Friday, January 18, 2008

Juried show

Red Sky Phew! I just finished two new mixed media pieces for submission to a juried show. Still have to put the frames together yet but the creative part is done. These shows are both a nuisance and a major motivator. I can't in any way keep up with all the possible opportunities out there. But, they do flesh out the resume and get my work out for, gasp, public viewing!

These two pieces are a continuation of my exploration of fabric collage/art quilts. I will post some photos soon, but they both include: cotton fabrics, sheer fabrics, chiffon, wools, beads, Shiva paint sticks (oil) and fabric paints and inks. I have paid careful attention to creating different textures. The design consists of lines set horozontally. The pieces are a pair of sorts, a series. One piece suggests a rock face, "Stria". The other depicts a sky and water landscape, "Red Sky". At this point I am trying a variety of different products to add colour and texture.

I had alot of trouble trying to decide how to frame them. The last fabric collage I did was a bit flatter and I framed it in an ordinary metal frame with glass, but these two pieces really needed the texture and warmth of a wood frame. Also, glass mutes the colours of the fabrics and I wanted the colours to really shine. I could: stretch them over a canvas and frame that, use a frame with a liner, or try a matt without glass which is what I have decided to do this time. Maybe not the ideal solution but what am going to go with anyways. Framing costs cut into any profit I will make if I sell them so I try keep it cheap and easy. I must get a PST number and then check out wholesale framing.

Time for a break now. I have some more ideas to try with this method but it will have to wait until later.

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