Monday, April 26, 2010

A spring perspective

The snow is gone and I am looking forward to getting out with my camera. There must be something worth a photo amidst the leftover winter debris and springtime mud. Maybe a tree just budding out or some bulbs bursting from the ground.

My youngest son and I spent an enjoyable few hours at the Arboretum in Ottawa with our cameras one day in March. Cold, and with wet shoes, we explored the hill that had only recently been covered in snow. Large white bales pushed against trees to prevent toboggans from hurtling into them still remained. It could be a photo - carefully composed by an artist. What are these large white objects and why are they there? Are they packages dropped from the heavens?

The canal inlets were mostly drained of water and looked like some strange new country - people were down there exploring. The trees were large and naked, vulnerable without their protective green. We were looking at the bones of the park before it began to flesh out with people, dogs, birds and green.



    arboretum 030              arboretum 069 arboretum 094arboretum 113 


Maybe there is something to see with new eyes in the spring. Maybe there is another world to imagine... create...or find.


arboretum 126 - Copy_edited-2            arboretum 043 - Copy_edited-2

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